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Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Cacao Germplasm - Fourth Update, 2021

Revised from the FAO/IPGRI Technical Guidelines No. 20 (Fourth Update, 2021)


Technical guidelines for the Safe movement of Cacao germplasm - Third Update, October 2017

Revised from the FAO/IPGRI Technical Guidelines No. 20 (Third Update, October 2017).


CacaoNet Exploratory Consultation on Cacao Genetic Resources: Legal and policy aspects of germplasm exchange, 2015

Conservation of cacao genetic resources and what can be done to facilitate both their access and better sharing of derived benefits is a key issue in moving forwards with the implementation of the…


CacaoNet and LAC Breeders WORKSHOPS October 2014

Bioversity International, on behalf of the Global Cacao Genetic Resources Network (CacaoNet) jointly with the Cocoa Research Centre (CRC) of the University of the West Indies and the Centro Agronómico…


Technical guidelines for the Safe movement of Cacao germplasm (Second update, August 2014)

This revised version of the Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Cacao Germplasm provides updated information on the precautions and quarantine measures that can be taken to minimise the risk…


Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Cacao Genetic Resources

CacaoNet published the Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Cacao Genetic Resources in September 2012.  The Global Strategy is the product of expert opinion and detailed discussion among…
